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Deception Dollar Issue #8 Click here for the graffiti version Front and Back |
IFAS: Born-Agains Lead Towards Bush, Dole. Short article.
!!Mother Jones: With Friends Like These... All about Bush's ties to the Christian right, and what kind of people Bush is kowtowing to.
!!WP: Texas Prisons Christ-Centered Agenda. Pardon...hasn't Bush ever heard of the separation of church and state?
WP: GWBush's Christianity and Public Policy. How Junior's brand of Christianity guides him.
MoJo: Bush Family Values. Junior is QUITE the Christian. He follows the little-known biblical admonition to "screw thy fellow man." Great article about the dubious financial dealings of the Bush sons, including Junior.
Probe of Abuse at "Bible Discipline" Home Leads to Bush, Raises Questions about State-Faith Partnership. Some of Bush's "compassionate conservatism" at work. GWBush Does Jesus Day. Just another example of how far GWBush will bend over for the Christian Right.
WP: Pat Robertson Promises Voter Blitz. I wonder what Brother Pat stands to gain if GWBush is elected?
Robertson; Bush Has Blown a Major Lead. Robertson is just a tad upset because GWBush didn't appear in person at the Christian Coalition's Road to Victory convention. "Hell hath no fury like a demagogue scorned..."
Did Dubya Snubya? More on Robertson's whining that GWBush is taking his base for granted.Probe of Abuse at Faith-Based Home Leads to Bush. Read about the connections to GWBush.
Roloff CEO was on Monitoring Group's Board. The Christian organization monitoring the Roloff homes has huge conflict of interest as it is revealed that the Roloff CEO was on their board! In addition, they allowed Roloff homes to continue to operate even though they were under investigation for child abuse!
Abuse Allegations at Home Raise Questions about Bush's Plans.
Allegations of Abuse Prompt Bush Criticism.
Suit Filed Over Faith-Based Organization's Child Abuse. GWBush, as governor of Texas, came up with, and pressured through the state legislature, a program that would allow faith-based organizations to deliver care services to minors without any state or government oversight. This opened the door for Roloff homes, which had previously been closed in Texas because of child abuse charges, to reopen homes in Texas. The suit was filed by a young man whose injuries were described by the emergency-room nurse who treated him as "torture."
Texas Trails National Curve. When judged on 150 indicators, Texas tanked. So much for six years under GWBush's leadership.
!!WP: Tort Reform Benefitted Business--And Bush. Put this in our "shocked and stunned" file...NOT.
!!WP: Insurers and Corporations Benefitted from Texas Tort Reform.
!! WP: Scandals and Problems in Texas Housing Agency. Is there no agency in Texas that has not tainted by Bush's corruption?
WP Fact Check: Bush a Reluctant HMO Reformer. Bush brags about his accomplishments regarding HMO reforms, but "...What the campaign fails to mention is that Bush in 1995 vetoed a patients' rights bill that would have imposed an array of new requirements on health maintenance organizations--including several that Bush now cites among his achievements."
Star-Telegram: Bush Uses Tax Laws to Cut Cost of Lakeside Retreat. Another slick Junior maneuver, continuing his "let-them-eat-cake" policies in Texas.
Proud Texans Facing Daunting Task. Read about the Texas that GWBush does NOT want you to know about.
Austin Chronicle's Articles about GWBush. Links to all the articles on one page. Tres convenient.
Bush's AG Faces Indictment. Enter this in the "We-Are-Not-Surprised" Department.
GWBush's Record. Short, interesting facts about GWBush's disastrous reign in Texas.
Judge's Health Care Ruling Hits Home. An LATimes article on the Texas Medicaid debacle. Note that, in what is becoming a recurring theme for the Bush campaign, he refuses to accept blame for his role in the Medicaid failure in Texas; instead, the Bush campaign blame the Medicaid failure in Texas on the "very activist liberal judge" who handed down the ruling.
Highlights of Judge's Ruling on Medicaid in Texas. Point-by-point summary.
Democrats in Texas Legislature Urge Bush to Fix Medicaid Problems. Obviously, somebody in Texas doesn't think it is the judge's fault that the delivery of Medicaid to the poor in Texas is such a disaster.
Houston Chronicle: Lieberman Blasts Bush for Health-Care Recod in Texas. Lieberman takes it to Bush's home state.
Houston Chronicle: Bush Defends Health Care Record.
Salon: Patient Politics. Bush's record in Texas.Bush + Big Polluters Campaign Donations = Ruin of Texas Environment:
Texas Chemical Council Members Dump Pollution and Money. Read all about how GWBush's coddling of the chemical/oil industry's biggest polluters (who are also his biggest campaign contributors) has ruined the Texas environment. And THIS is what the GOP wants for ALL of America!?
!!WP: Texas Environment Could Work Against Bush. You mean, because Bush has allowed his rich pals to rape the Texas environment in exchange for capaign $$$? Like that?
Houston Residents Want Clean Air. Bush's biggest campaign contributors are Texas' biggest polluters, and the people of Texas are the ones who are suffering.
WP: Alleged Texas Polluter Indicted. And a big Bush campaign contributor. What a surprise.
Texas Firm Faces Coverup Charges. Background on the above story.
HoustonChronic: Tempers Rise Over Houston Smog. Bush's big campaign backers, who happen to be the biggest polluters in Texas, have reaped the benefit of Bush's coddling of the chemical/oil industry in Texas. Houston's smog is the worst it's ever been, and is tied directly to some of the Bush campaign backers. Is this what the Republican Party wants for ALL of America?
Houston Chronicle: Industrial Pollutants and Smog in Texas: Read how GWBush has allowed his rich chemical/oil industry campaign contributors wreak ruin on the Texas environment.
NYT: Houston, Smarting Economically From Smog, Searches for Remedies. Houston is suffering from its worst air pollution every and is looking for solutions to its problems. Here's my idea: Drop-kick GWBush like yesterday's compost and send bills for the cleanup to GWBush's chemical/oil industry polluters in Texas who have gotten a free ride under the GWBush administration.
Houston Chronicle: Smog Plan May Not Be Enough. Until Texas is ready to address the real cause of its pollution problems (GWBush and his rich chemical/oil industry pals), any measure is only going to be a band-aid because these oil/chemical industry fat-cats will continue to pollute as fast as the citizens of Texas can pay to clean up their pollution.
DallasMorning: Texas Pollution Violation.Bush and Guns:
Report Shows Violent Felons are Licensed to Carry Concealed Handguns Under Bush's Law.
Bush, Faith-Based Organizations, and Child Abuse:
Suit Filed Over Faith-Based Organization's Child Abuse. GWBush, as governor of Texas, came up with, and pressured through the state legislature, a program that would allow faith-based organizations to deliver care services to minors without any state or government oversight. This opened the door for Roloff homes, which had previously been closed in Texas because of child abuse charges, to reopen homes in Texas. The suit was filed by a young man whose injuries were described by the emergency-room nurse who treated him as "torture."
Bush on Faith-Based Organizations and Government Alliance. Read about his support.
Probe of Abuse at Faith-Based Home Leads to Bush. Read about the connections to GWBush.
Roloff CEO was on Monitoring Group's Board. The Christian organization monitoring the Roloff homes has huge conflict of interest as it is revealed that the Roloff CEO was on their board! In addition, they allowed Roloff homes to continue to operate even though they were under investigation for child abuse!
Abuse Allegations at Home Raise Questions about Bush's Plans.
Allegations of Abuse Prompt Bush Criticism.
Texas Under GWBush's Reign/ Funeralgate
Salon: The Texas Way of Death. George W. Bush is subpoenaed over the alleged special treatment of a funeral-home mogul who's a big campaign contributor.
Salon: Who Is Eliza May? The woman at the center of the Funeralgate scandal.
Austin Chronicle: Embalming for Dollars. Bush's Funeralgate scandal raises unsettling questions.
AustinChronicle: Funeralgate Hits Texas.
Salon: Contempt Charges Sought Against Bush. I guess somebody thinks Junior lied!
Salon: Did Bush Lie Under Oath? Did Junior lie about Funeralgate?
Salon: Pulling a Clinton. Bush's fight to stay off the witness stand.
Austin360: Funeral Agency Still Seeks Bush Testimony. More on Bush's role in Funeralgate.
!!!NEW! FOLLOW-UP ON FUNERALGATE! White House Counsel Targeted in Funeralgate!Texas Under GWBush's Reign/ Education
PFAW: Failing the Children. Read how Junior's education policies impacts poor children.
PFAW: GWBush's Report Card. Read what PFAW has to say about Junior's education policies.
!!WP: Texas Charter Schools on Shaky Ground. More about Bush's failing and fraud-ridden charter schools.
WP: An Education Miracle or Mirage? Smoke-and-mirrors from Junior's education policies.
Probe of Abuse at "Bible Discipline" Home Leads to Bush, Raises Questions about State-Faith Partnership. Some of Bush's "compassionate conservatism" at work.
.Salon: Class Will Tell. A discussion about Junior, how drug laws for the rich are very different than drug laws for the poor.
Salon: Bush's Backyard Blues. Read how Texas's Department of Housing and Community Affairs is plagued by scandal, corruption and incompetence, leaving many of the Texas poor out in the cold.Texas Under GWBush's Reign: Just Call Him the "Texecutioner"
GWBush: America's Biggest Serial Killer. Issue-focused pages on Junior's "compassionate conservatism"--execution style, that is.
!!WP: Report Alleges Bias in Texas Executions. In a comprehensive new report echoing familiar criticisms of the death penalty, an organization that gives free legal aid to condemned prisoners describes Texas's vigorous capital punishment process as "a thoroughly flawed system" marred by "racial bias, incompetent [defense] counsel, and misconduct committed by police officers and prosecutors."
!!Confession Sent to GWBush; Evidence Withheld. A confession was sent to Bush, yet the exonerated men are still imprisoned, years later. An investigation has been opened.Miscellaneous:
AustinAmerican: Juvenile Jails Doubling as Mental Facilities. Totally unequipped junvenile jails are being forced to handle large numbers of mentally ill patients.
Salon: Ebony and Ivory. Salon's take on Junior's grudging appearance at the NAACP convention, and his less-than-illustrious history of promoting racial tolerance.
Bush Watch: Is GWBush a Racist? A very thorough discussion of Junior's racist background, pals and actions.
Houston Chronicle: Dems Dispute GWBush's Diversity Record. GWBush may be packing the stage of the Republican National Convention with minority supporters, but his record and appointments destroy the illusion of an all-inclusive GOP.
GWBUSH: HOW STUPID IS HE? (or, GAWD I Miss Dan Quayle!)
Salon: Bush Gets an "F" in Foreign Affairs. The Texas governor who would be president can't identify the leaders of Chechnya, Pakistan or India. Has he been taking lessons from Dan Quayle?
Slate: Bushisms. A fabulous quote page, updated regularly.
LAWeekly: GWBush's Plea for Votes--and Brain Cells. Jeeze, what a maroon.
GWBush's Transcript Spells M-O-R-O-N. It speaks for itself.
WP: Bush's Gaffes are Back as First Debate Nears. As the pressure for the first debate between Gore and Bush nears, the stress takes a toll on Bush and he begins to speak incoherently again. Doesn't this kinda' indicate that perhaps Bush wouldn't be such a good president? I mean, don't presidents need to be able to communicate clearly in stressful situations? Can we afford to have a man as president who falls apart under stress?
GWBush Scandals/ Cocaine
Dallas Morning News: Bush Says He Hasn't Used Drugs in the Last Seven Years. The first of MANY of Junior's statements about when and if he used drugs.
Salon: Austin, We Have a Problem. What does his clumsy, evasive handling of rumors of cocaine use do to George W. Bush's much-heralded "electability"?
Sunday Foreign News: Bush Flies Into Air Force Cocaine Cloud. Read how Junior refused to complete a physical exam, including a drug test, while he was in the service. Gee, don't they usually lock soldiers up for refusing to obey an order?
WP: Bush--"I Made A Mistake." Read what Junior has to say about his chemical career.
Bush Coke Crisis. Issue-oriented site that discusses Junior, cocaine, and his tough-on-drug-users posturing.GWBush Scandals/ Funderalgate
Go to Texas Under GWBush's Reign/FuneralgateGWBush Scandals/Miscellaneous
OnlineJournal: What is George W. Hiding? Great investigative work on one of Junior's scandals and coverups.
Salon: Bush Up to His Arse in Allegations.
Bush: Of the People or Above the People? Topic-sorted articles about Junior and his various scandals.
Bush Jr.'s Skeleton Closet. This site is loaded with articles about Bush's scandals and corruption.
Salon: Bush's Backyard Blues. Read how Texas's Department of Housing and Community Affairs is plagued by scandal, corruption and incompetence, leaving many of the Texas poor out in the cold.
SEC Memo Says Bush Violated Law Four Times. Bush has been investigated for insider trading while he was with Harken. The two men in charge of the SEC investation were Bush Sr. appointees and were also old cronies of Bush Sr.; in fact, one was his long-time attorney in Texas. To nobody's surprise, these confilct-of-interest-laden "investigators" found that GWBush had done nothing wrong, despite the fact that they never even interviewed him about the allegations. New records released, however, indicate that GWBush broke the law four times, and one of the times he broke the law greatly facilitated his huge profit from insider information.
St. Petersburg Times: Bush Brothers Endorse Felon's Products.GWBush Scandals/National Guard - AWOL
!!George Magazine is Wrong. We stand by our smoking jet. A great article rebutting the George Magazine's inaccurate article.
Dallas Morning News: Barnes Was Asked to Get Bush in Guard. Gosh, you mean Junior couldn't make it on his own?
Judge Says Barnes Has to Testify. I wonder why he was afraid to testify?
Barnes Said He Called Guard on Bush's Behalf.
Texan Questioned on Role in Getting Bush into Guard.
Bush Adviser Asked Barnes to Recall Details Before Bush Joined Race. If, as the Bushes claim, they didn't do anything wrong, why did they have to talk to Barnes before Junior entered the race?
Friends: Barnes Was Asked to Get Bush in Guard. The plot thickens...
Bush Friend Pushed for Guard Slot, Ex-Speaker Testifies.
Texas Speaker Reportedly Helped Bush Get Into Guard.
Bush Co-Worker Recalls National Guard Service in Alabama. Read how he was working on the political campaign when he was supposed to be serving the national guard.
The FANGless GWBush. A very thorough examination of Junior's national guard stint.
GWBush: A Closer Look at His Six-Year Military Commitment. More information on the question that just will not go away.
GWBush AWOL. More information on Junior's failure to fulfill his commitment.
Salon: Ex-Clinton Official Slams Bush/Cheney on Military Service. Former Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jesse Brown asks why "neither one went to Vietnam, when they were clearly of Vietnam age."
PFAW: Bush and Supreme Court Impact
Bush Sr.: The Unauthorized Biography. Ever wonder where Junior got his "compassionate conservatism," ethics and morality? Good ol' George "Family Values" Bush Sr.
The Art of Deception: Bush (Sr.)/Reagan Scandals. Just in case you forgot what a bastion of integrity and ethics Bush Sr. was while he was in office.
Did an Alleged Mob Payoff to GHWBush (Sr.) Derail a Murder Case? Another article on Junior's know, the one who is mentoring him during Junior's campaign.
Is George Bush a Moonie? Read about Bush Sr.'s long and intricate ties with Rev. Moon.
Clinton Task Force Releases Chile's Secrets. Lots of interesting information about Chle, Pinochet, and the role the CIA and Bush Sr. played in Pinochet's murderous regime. No small wonder Bush Sr. has been campaigning to get Pinochet's charges dropped. Pinochet knows where ALL the bodies are buried (literally and figuratively). How will this new information impact GWBush's presidential campaign?
The Consortium: Task Force Releases Chile's Secrets. Another article about the new information coming to light about the coup that installed Pinochet as dictator supreme of Chile, and Pinochet's subsequent murderous regime.
The Consortium: Clouds Over Bush. Another great article about the Bush/Pinochet connections.
Dan Moldea: Bushology Interactive. Investigative journalist Dan Moldea's ever-growing site on Bush. An online news publication with news, information and opinion that you will never find from the Bush-fawning national media. A HUGE list of anti-Bush links!
WatchDubya! One of the most concise and comprehensive websites I've seen for information, reference and protesting resources against the Bush junta's occupation of the White House.
Bill's Best Bush Links! ANOTHER great website for lots of information regarding Bush and references for protest.
Transition Watch. This is an awesome joint-effort website (ACLU and other groups) to follow the Bush junta during the first 100 days after they seized the Whitehouse. Updated daily with info on Bush's appointees, his schemes, etc., and there is a GREAT action-oriented section where you can contact your reps regarding issues. Be sure to visit the comprehensive section on the Bush's faith-based scheme.
The Nation: Influence Peddling, Bush Style. Oh, those quid pro quos and how they grow. Dan Moldea lays it on the line.
Bushwhacker Brigade.
Truth Out! This is a great site for up-to-date info on Georgie's antics.
Whistleblowers/ Greg Palast. Palast has written more about what really happened in Florida than all of our national media put together.
New York Observer: Secret Skull & Bones Meeting Taped! No kidding! This is the secret society that GWBush joined when he was in college, and all I can say is this: WHAT A BUNCH OF SICK, SICK PERVERTS!
Skull & Bones: SEE THE VIDEO! Follow-up article and link to the video taken of the super-secret Skull & Bones society to which GWBush belonged.
George W. Bush or a Chimpanzee? I think I only got about 50% correct. The similarities are astounding!
Welcome to Media Whores Online. Let's call these Bush-fawning pundits what they are.
Protest Illegal President By Mail. A website with graphics for use on your snail-mail. Make every piece of mail you send an act of protest!
Down With GWBush Org. Resources for fighting against Junior's campaign, including a very good Top 10 Reasons why you can't vote for GWBush.
Issues and Alibis. Uncle Ernie's Bush info pages; lots of concise information and links.
GWBush2000. Great articles and information about Junior, past and present, and how Texas has faired under his reign.
GWBush Campaign Headquarters. Not really, but they have good links and information about Junior.
Bush Watch. Regularly updated pages, with good information. There is a great graphic of Junior and his VP candidate.
Negative Spin: GWBush. Lots of interesting articles about Junior.
GWBush and the Triple Crown Dream. Lots of info on Bush and his many scandals.
Looking Behind the Bushes. Short factoids about the Bushes and their scandals. The website that truly pissed of the Bush campaign, and triggered the clueless "There oughta' be limits to freedom" comment.
GWBush is the Antichrist. A really clever and hilarious page! (Note: Sometimes this link works, sometimes it does not--coincidence? YOU be the judge.)
GWBush Right House. GREAT website, with lots of information about Junior, categorized into topics.
The Bush Files. Regularly updated pages with lots of great articles on Junior, including family dirt.
Bush Body Count. Jeeze! They're stacked up like cord wood.
Trim Bush To Shrub. More info about Junior and his scandals.
Bush Suckz. No kidding.
L'il Georgie Bush. Can Junior fill his father's shoes? Could America survive if he did?